Monday, April 19, 2010

Debbie and Mike's reception! 4 Points Sheraton, Ann Arbor, Michigan

I used to get so nervous before DJing. My hands used to shake every time I picked up the microphone to announce a bridal party. I accepted a long time ago that I'm not a "natural" MC. A few of the DJs I work with like Emmitt, Brendan, Garret, Joey....those guys can rock the mic. I'm always in awe of Emmitt when we work together. He has no plan. He can just pick up the mic, talk, and it sounds good. But not me. I have to plan what I'm going to say. And then I practice what I'm going to say. A thousand weddings later and I don't get nervous anymore. Now its become second nature. But even now, I still like to run through bridal party introductions a few times just to make sure I got it before I do it "live". This past Saturday for Debbie and Mike's wedding, I was nervous. They had a large bridal party and wanted each bridal party member announced individually to a specific song. I thought this was a fantastic idea. I've done this before, but for much smaller bridal parties. This one came to 16 song changes. This is challenging because typically it only takes about 10/20 seconds for each person to walk in. But that can vary alot depending on how far the door is from the final destination and how fast each person walks. So I figure I have about 20 seconds to stop the previous song, load the new song, figure out which person is next to announce, and announce new person. This may sound easy, but add to the fact the pressure of having 200 strangers staring at you, a videographer's bright light and huge camera pointed at you, oh and of course the big one - avoiding large gaps of silence, and this simple task suddenly gets more challenging. Brad was working with me. I was incredibly tempted to have Brad handle the music switching while I just announced, but I'm a control-freak/perfectionist and I wanted each announcement to be timed perfectly with the music. Unless we had rehearsed, there was no way he would know exactly when to hit the play button. Thankfully, luck was on my side and the door was a decent distance away from the dance floor. Even better, the bridal party was a blast and they danced their way in. All in all, it ended up being about a 30 second intro for each person...totally manageable! I thought it went well, and overall, I wish more couples did this for their introductions because I think it really personalizes them alot more and is tons of fun for everyone. :) The rest of the party was amazing...these people knew how to get their wedding on! Full dance floor + lots of requests + high-energy crowd = very happy dj. Brad got a couple quick pics and video clips from Debbie and Mikes awesome wedding reception! - ->>

Love the bride breakin' down some "footloose" in this first clip!

A couple more of a great "Shout" and of course, some party train action:

and of course - a cake shot:

and one of the happy couple:

A couple more of our newest team member, Brad:

this one has facebook profile shot written all over it:

A couple more pics we grabbed while behind the DJ table are here:

Great party! Congrats Mike and Debbie!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Go Tracie, Go Tracie, Go!

Our wedding planner friend, Tracie Morris from You're the Bride, sent me over an email with some information about a new package she has put together for day-of wedding coordination. I'm feeling really guilty about this, but I accidentally deleted the email with the actual special offer details. Sorry Tracie! However, I didn't want to have to bother her to re-send so I surfed on over to her website and took a look at her "Service Offerings" page. And was actually really surprised....Tracie has some really unique and cool packages put together for the bride and groom's seeking a little wedding planning help. She's got all your traditional wedding planner and day-of coordination packages, but she's also got this "Brainstorming Service" that I think sounds pretty cool, a "Powder Room Pampering" service (who doesn't want to be pampered right?), and even just a "Candy Buffet" service for folks looking for some help in just getting all that candy setup for their guests. The "E-Planning Ensemble" also seems like a solid deal for the computer savvy bride (and Tracie has always been super quick at responding to emails!). More guilt because I can't find the package labeled "Mini day of coordination", which is what I'm supposed to be posting about. Oh well, if you are looking for an awesome deal on a great wedding planner, click on over to Contact Tracie and tell her Platinum Mix sent ya, and she'll hook you up with the goods.

" DJ Hero on your Wii does not qualify you for this position"

Recruiting. Ugh. I think this is the hardest and most frustrating part of my job. Lots of wedding vendors I talk to hate doing the sales/business part of this job, but me, I love meeting potential clients. I'd rather get rejected by 10 couples planning their wedding then go through all these DJ applications and set up interviews with them any day. Hiring photographers is new to me and honestly I thought that was going to be easier. I was wrong. Photographers are worse. Okay, maybe all that was a bit dramatic. But seriously, what a pain. Now the people that do work with Platinum Mix, are some of my best friends in the world. I love each and every one of them, and have complete trust that they will do an awesome job. Its just so hard finding those people. And then after I find them, I have to get them to the point where I trust them with my client's weddings. Trust takes time to develop. A long time. No way am I risking my hard-earned reputation on some random dude who just bought a camera yesterday and is now calling himself a professional photographer. Or the kid with some loud speakers and an internet connection fast enough to download millions of songs just in time for his saturday job. Screw that. I've worked hard at this for 15 years, not giving away my rep that easy.

Recruiting makes me feel really bad for my clients. Honestly, if it were my wedding (and I wasn't in this business), it would be really stressful for me to pick vendors. Not because of so many good choices, more because its scary out there folks. Have you ever seen the show "The Riches"? Its fantastic. It got canceled. Maybe it scared people? It scared me, because I know how true it is that people believe way too easily. If you haven't seen the show its about how a family steals the life of another (much more wealthy) family. The father becomes a lawyer. No, he does not have a law degree. And no, he does not have any experience or know anything at all about practicing law. But he excels at his job, because he's got a gift for selling. He just said he's a lawyer, so people believe him. If you want to be a wedding DJ technically its super easy to get started. Buy some equipment, put up a website, print up some business cards and just like that - you are a "professional". Essentially, just announce to the world that you are now a wedding DJ, and people will believe you. And its true, you are now a wedding DJ. However you probably suck. And you are confusing your clients, who don't know how in the world to figure out why DJ option #1 is better than DJ option #433.

I dislike the recruiting process because I have to explain to these "wedding djs" why they need to participate in Platinum Mix's training program. Or why their equipment is not up to spec. Or convince them to do something different then how they have been doing it, because its not how we do it. And while I know there are many ways to do something, I have very high standards for how things are done here, and I insist those standards are met before I will book somebody for my jobs. I have an obligation to every single one of my clients to deliver talented, skilled, trained PROFESSIONALS for their events. Finding those people though, is the hard part of my job. What I really need is an HR department.....

If you're reading this and you are a DJ, photographer, videographer, graphic designer or editor, and you feel that you are a skilled professional please fill out the application located here:
We would love to hear from you!