Monday, July 06, 2009

Wedding Reception Ideas | Got Video?

Add a little visual entertainment to your wedding reception with some creative use of multimedia content.

Let's start with some examples of what exactly "multimedia content" means and how you can incorporate it into your reception. The most popular idea, is a "growing up" photo slide show (also sometimes referred to as a "montage"). This would be a collection of photos of the bride and groom as babies, children, teenagers, college, etc and then finished with photos of the bride and groom while dating. These can be just simply played direct from digital files on a laptop computer setup in a corner of your reception room (or maybe by the guest sign-in book?), or shown as an actual presentation complete with music and moving video at some point during your reception. Here is an example of a growing up photo slideshow Platinum Mix created for a recent client:

Alex and Stephanie's Growing Up Photo Slideshow from Sara G. on Vimeo.

Platinum Mix clients have come up with plenty of other content to play back at their reception, here are some examples:

// We had a bride who was a 1st grade teacher. The groom went to her school with a video camera and asked her students for advice on how to be a good wife. The groom knew his way around video editing software, so he edited all the footage he recorded into a very hilarious video of the 1st graders responses. Platinum Mix played back the video at the reception, right after the toasts/speeches. All of this was a total surprise for the bride (which of course she LOVED!).

// Another couple we worked for, was really big into sky-diving. They had plenty of video of the two of them sky-diving, and so we played it while all of their guests arrived to their reception and during dinner. This went along very well with the "sky" theme of their reception.

// Music Videos! For all clients who reserve our dj package #3, your DJ will not just be mixing the music, but the original music videos are also played back on a large projection screen setup near the dance floor. Here's a photo of how this looks setup at a wedding reception held recently at the Inn at St. John's Grande Ballroom in Plymouth, Michigan:

// A very talented bride and groom (both played guitar and sang), hired Platinum Mix to create a music video of them actually singing, playing, and acting out the song they selected for their first dance. Our videographers went out and recorded all the footage, we edited up their music video, and then I played it back at the reception during the first dance. Totally awesome!

// Having a destination wedding and a local party? How about video-taping your wedding ceremony and then having us play it back at the reception?

// Same-day edit videos produced by several local professional videographers (or "Instant Replay" as Platinum Mix calls it) are also huge hits at receptions. The Platinum Mix Instant Replay works like this: Our videographers record the ceremony, photo sessions, and other wedding day activities and then we do a very quick edit of that footage and play back a 3-5 minute segment on our video screens at your reception (usually toward the end).

Of course there are so many more great ideas....

If you incorporated photo, audio, or video content into your reception, feel free to leave a comment. We would love to hear what other people have come up with! :)


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